Showing posts with label Asana. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Asana. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Understanding Skincare

Beautiful skin isn't just about DNA- your daily habits have a big impact on what you see in the mirror. Yet there are a bewildering number of viewpoints on everything. Topics range from learning the right way to moisturize to mastering how to protect yourself from UV radiation. Different factors also govern skincare viewpoints, such as product reviews, doctor consultations and trends.

Skincare tips before you start

All skin is different and every skin has its type but what is common is the skincare routine. There are four important steps in every skin care regime, that you should adhere to every day :
  1. Cleanser - Washing your face

  2. Toning - Balancing the skin

  3. Moisturizer- hydrating your face

  4. Sunscreen - protecting your face

The intention of any skin-care routine is to even out skin complexion (so it looks its best), regulate moisture (so cells turnover faster) and address specific skin care concerns. These concerns can be acne control, wrinkle prevention or even blackheads.

How does food impact your skin?

Most of us know that unhealthy eating is harmful to our skin, but did you know that your diet plays a role in combating the effects of sun damage (ultraviolet rays) on your skin. Exposure to UV light promotes the formation of free radicals, which can damage elastin, collagen, and other ingredients that give the skin its structure and firmness. Over time, this can lead to more pronounced fine lines and wrinkles! The right diet can prevent this!

Many of us are conscious about our food only when it comes to maintaining our jawline, waistline, and appearance, but what we forget is that food plays a very vital role when it comes to our skin. If you do not give your skin the right food, then it can have an adverse effect on your skin. Give your skin the food it needs, make sure your diet balanced and well rounded with healthy food that is rich in antioxidants.

Different skin type

There are four kinds of skin types which are oily, dry, combined, and normal. Your skin type can change depending on your age and life stage; most of us are born with normal skin, but as we grow older and approach puberty, our genes, hormones, and environmental influences can cause skin types to shift. Identifying your skin type is essential in choosing the right products for you.

Normal Skin

Normal skin type appears to be even and has no discoloration. Skin is smooth and soft and when touched it is neither tight nor greasy. Normal skin holds good elasticity and is hydrating with the least or small visible pores.

Dry Skin

Dry skin is characterized by poor epidermal function and is likely to damage the epidermis, the skin's outer protective layer. Some people have dry skin that can be hereditary or due to improper skincare habits, but for others, there is no obvious reason.
Following are the characteristic of the dry skin type:
  1. Skin feels tight and dehydrated 

  2. Visible pores

  3. Fine lines are visible

  4. If not hydrated then feels itchiness

  5. Difficult to apply to make up 

  6. Peeling of the skin, dry skin is flaky. 

For dry skin, it is very important to take extra precautions and care. In case of lack of attention with such type may lead to further damage of the skin.

Oily Skin

Overproduction of sebum, an oily material that our skin requires to operate correctly, causes oily skin. Too much sebum can lead to acne, while too little can lead to dry, cracked skin.

Characteristics of oily skin:

  1. Enlarged and long visible pores

  2. Breakouts

  3. Difficult to hold makeup 

  4. Looks shiny and has less visible wrinkles 

Combination Skin

People frequently hear about mixed skin but are unsure what it is. When we talk about combination skin, we're referring to the fact that we have at least two different types of facial skin and may need to change our skincare routine to cater to the different types.

Combination skin can be either one of the below types:

  1. Around the T-Zone area of the face, either oily or normal skin. The nose, forehead, and chin are all included.

  1. Around the U-ZONE, which includes the cheeks, mouth, and eyes, the skin might be dry or normal.

The connection between yoga and healthy skin

Like your body, your skin, and especially your face, is a victim of a stressful lifestyle. If you are not eating properly, or if you are stressed, anticipate hormonal fluctuations that may appear in the form of acne and other skin problems.
However, the science of yoga, which is based on the wisdom of ancient India, can provide some relief. Those who practice yoga regularly are very vocal about the enormous impact that yoga has on both the body and mind. Weight loss and healthy skin are some of the visible benefits of yoga.
While yoga improves overall health, certain asanas are especially beneficial for your skin. Doing it regularly will help get rid of toxins and restore your skin to its healthiest condition. Following are some asanas that help in skincare:

  1. Shirshasana - It's the king of all asanas, it provides a maximum benefit out of all asanas. It helps in increasing the blood circulation of the face, enhancing your mood and getting rids of toxins 

  1. Shishuasana - The downward-facing Shishuasana, also known as the child posture, improves facial circulation, lowers tension, and improves the general health of your skin.

  1. Matsyasana - The fish position, or Matsyasana, is recognized for balancing hormones and relaxing muscles. When done regularly, this can help your skin retain its flexibility as you become older.

It's not just the poses that help. A yoga breathing technique known as pranayama (Citali and Sitkari) has a cooling effect on the body and helps reduce acne. It is also believed that techniques such as Jalneti and Shankh Prakshalan play a role in helping the body detoxify and ultimately achieve healthy skin.

Final thoughts

At the the end of the day, skincare is a matter of personal preference. You do what works for you! It is however important to understand your skin and the different factors that affect skin care!

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Credit Author : Rounak Sharma

All photos credited and designed by Freepik.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

5 Yoga Asanas that can change your life!

Yoga is the best exercise one can do to stay fit and healthy. If you are the type of person who isn't comfortable exercising in gyms and don't really like walking or other intense activities, then yoga can be your ultimate savior. Yoga has multiple benefits that are scientifically proven. It is tried and tested, so you need to get on board and make it a routine in your daily life. All you need is a quick session of morning yoga, and you are all set to take over the day like a pro!

Yoga a day will keep the doctor away!

Yoga has both physical and mental benefits. It helps improve body posture and increases flexibility. It gives strength to our body and makes it lighter at the same time. A person who, on average, regularly does yoga experiences better digestion which can help eliminate constipation and other related diseases. For women who experience severe menstrual cramps, yoga is a go-to activity because it not only reduces pain but also gives the body the energy it needs during this time.
People who have resorted to yoga as a means to a better life, have experienced a reduction of pain in various areas of the body, especially the back. It also helps reduce body weight and belly fat. In all, yoga has motivated people to start living a healthy and sustainable life without compromising on anything.
Apart from the many physical benefits mentioned, people have also incorporated yoga into their lifestyle for better mental health. The meditation activities are said to reduce stress and counter anxiety which is equally crucial in today’s world. It helps in releasing tension. With so much going on around, a session of yoga with meditation can give an immense amount of mental peace. This in turn makes one sleep better at night. 87% of people feel better after their yoga class which is undeniably also quite evident worldwide.
With yoga coming into the limelight worldwide with proven benefits, almost 300 million all over the world practice yoga. In India, Rishikesh being the world capital of yoga, thousands of people from across the globe come to the town every year to experience yoga in its purest forms.
While there are different asanas for different purposes, these 5 asanas are the ones that can change your life completely and flip it 360 degrees. They can take you from feeling lethargic and lazy to being healthy and active. Patience and consistency are key on your journey. You have to commit to waking up early every morning, reaching out for the yoga mat and you over time, will be ready to bring in more sunlight and more positive change in your lifestyle.

1.   Surya-Namaskar – A Series of Asanas


Surya Namaskar is the most sought-after and the best exercise one can practice staying fit and healthy. It has thirteen poses in total with almost seven different asanas, all in one. It is advised to practice in the morning; as the name suggests, to garner more benefits. This makes one more mindful and is considered to be one of the most powerful techniques in yoga to boost immunity and energy. This can also be seen as a full-body workout that can help in losing body weight. It also improves blood circulation. The most important part here is to maintain focus on breathing. Focus on the breath by feeling every bit of it.

2.   Vajrasana

Vajrasana in Sanskrit means thunderbolt. It is a simple sitting pose in yoga in which one kneels and sits back on their legs. This is done to take the body weight off the knees. This asana has proved to improve, lower back pains and is beneficial during hypertension. It helps with constipation improving the digestive tract. It provides strength to the pelvic and thigh muscles. The main focus here again is breathing. Focus on the breath is important to experience the benefits of yoga to the fullest. Breathing in and out slowly while pushing the tailbone towards the floor and the head upwards will help in strengthening the body on the whole.

3.   Alternate Bidalasana and Bitilasana (Cat-Cow Pose)

Bidalasana is the cat pose whereas Bitilasana is the cow pose. Alternating between the two makes one set of the exercise. The asana helps us strengthen the back, core abs, knees, hips, arms, and shoulders. It opens up the entire spine by removing blockages and making the body more flexible. It constantly expands and contracts neck muscles making it more flexible too. This pose can be highly helpful during menstruation in easing the pain. With the proper focus on breathing, Vajrasana helps in combating insomnia by improving blood circulation and relaxing the mind. As the body aligns in this pose, the body posture improves simultaneously with time.

4.   Ushtrasana (Camel Pose)

Ushtrasana is very easy to do. It is essentially backward bending of the spine that helps in lowering blood pressure during hypertension. It helps in stretching chest muscles and improves the cardiovascular system. This asana is known for reducing fat from the difficult parts of the body from where fats do not shed off easily, such as the stomach, thighs, hips, and arms. It also helps in improving the respiratory system by stimulating it and comes in useful to asthma patients. One more added benefit is the proper stimulation of the thyroid gland to secrete an adequate amount of thyroxine.

5.   Paschimottanasana

Paschimottanasana is the asana wherein you sit with your legs straight and touch your feet with your hands bending forward. While doing the asana, one might feel pressure on the calf, the lower back, and the knees. All these parts get toned and shaped with time. The pressure on the stomach and the pelvic area improves the system underneath. This asana largely affects the abdomen hence recommended for women more. It also helps diabetic patients and patients who have weak kidneys and liver. Not just these, but it also helps in relaxing the mind by releasing stress and calming anxiety.

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Credit Author: Jahnavi Bedia

All photos credited and designed by Freepik

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