Monday, January 24, 2022

Understanding Sleep

Sleep is a temporary state in which you naturally rest - in short, you are physically inactive. You are absolutely unaware of what happens around you/ in your body. The American Academy of sleep medicine(AASM) recommends, adults aged between 18 to 60 should sleep for 7 hours or more per night on a regular basis for ideal sleep health.

Externally sleep make you feel fresh and active, while internally many biological processes happen when you sleep. For example, a few of the biological processes are 

  1. The body repairs cells/releases hormones, etc

  2. Nerve cells communicate and reorganize

These are essential for overall health and also for healthy brain function.

Cycles of sleep

Studies show that, our body cycles through 4 different stages of sleep which include both 

  1. Non-Rapid Eye Movement(NREM) - quiet sleep

  2. Rapid Eye Movement(REM) - active sleep

Sleep begins with 

  1. NREM stage 1

  • You might be aware of your surroundings(you may know if someone is talking next to you) and easily wake up due to noise or any disturbance at this stage.

  • Your body relaxes, eye movement, heartbeat, and breathing slow down.

  • The brain produces theta waves at this stage. Then it proceeds to NREM stage 2

  1. NREM stage 2

  • You are less aware of your surroundings.

  • Your eye movement stops but your heartbeat and breathing become regular.

  • The Brain processes the new memories you have acquired the previous day.

  1. NREM stage 3

  • Noise might not wake up you from sleep at this stage.

  • Your muscles get relaxed, blood pressure drops.

  • Delta waves emerge from the brain at this stage. 

  • From this stage, you are about to move to the deepest sleep stage.

  1. REM

  • This stage approximately begins after 90minutes of sleep- where the voluntary muscles get immobilized at this stage (so the body is super relaxed).

  • Breathing is faster, irregular and your eyes move rapidly and then you dream.

  • During this stage, the emotions and memories related to it get processed. As mentioned earlier Biological processes, happen in this stage.

The body cycles through these stages 4-6 times on average and approximately for 90minutes each. Each stage has a significant role in maintaining the brain’s performance.

Benefits of sleeping well

Sufficient sleep has a significant impact on your social, physical, and emotional life. Here are a few highlights for you,

  • Boost your immune system

  • Improves memory - lets you think clearly

  • Reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes(provided when you have a healthy lifestyle and eating habits)

  • Helps you maintain your skin and reduces hair fall

  • Reduces stress

Quality of Sleep and simple ways to measure it.

Quality of sleep is different from sleep satisfaction. Quality of sleep says how well we sleep. A parameter that determines whether your sleep is restful or restorative. 

Signs like, you wake up more than once at night on a regular basis / you feel extremely tired and more hungry often/ your skin may break out often - shows that you have a poor quality of sleep.

Signs of good quality sleep are
  • You fall asleep soon after getting to bed(approximately after 30mins)

  • You don’t wake up more than once per night regularly.

  • You feel fresh to start the day.

  • You are able to think and concentrate clearly.

  • You have healthy skin and hair.

Impacts of Sleeplessness - Insomnia

Sleep deprivation (Lack of sleep) could lead to serious health-related issues like,

  • Obesity

  • High blood pressure

  • Heart disease

  • Diabetes

  • Increased mood swings

Remember, it is not as easy as you think. The long-term effect of sleeplessness(insomnia) could hinder your personal and professional life. Get it diagnosed and treated at an earlier stage to avoid the ill effects of it.

Treatment for Insomnia

Psychologists / Psychiatrists could help you treat and get rid of insomnia. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia(CBT-I) is more effective when compared to medications prescribed for better sleep.

Ayurvedic solution:

Ayurveda uses various natural ingredients like Brahmi and Ashwagandha to get red of insomnia. These natural ingredients may not have harsh side effects as they don't have any harmful chemicals in them. Be it Ayurveda or Allopathy - Do not go with self medication. It can deteriorate your health. Always consult a registered medical practioner and get the treatment in the right way

Final Thoughts

Take any type of treatment, with which you are comfortable, which you think will definitely cure you. Because half the time, it’s our hope that cures us soon than the medication. Healthy lifestyle-related habits like having dinner soon, not using mobile phones before going to bed, staying stress-free when you go to bed are a few little things that might help you avoid or prevent insomnia at ease.

Visit Cureya's Website to know more. Free consultation services with top medical and health professionals. 

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Credit Author: Janani Chandrasekar 

All photos credited and designed by Pexels


In today’s world, the one thing, we all are mostly and equally suffering from is anxiety. Anxiety is such a state of mind in which we tend to think or worry persistently. Symptomatically speaking, anxiety often comes up with no symptoms at all, but at times can cause palpitations accompanied by heavy-breathing or sleeplessness.

We often need to seek medical help for dealing with severity, but in certain mild cases certain daily food items can help dealing with anxiety. Therefore, let's embark upon a journey that will teach treatment of anxiety, deliciously!


Before knowing which food items will help you deal with your anxiety issues, let's understand how food actually works in our system in this regard. All of the food items that deal with anxiety controls the secretion of one hormone known as dopamine. Dopamine is a hormone that is released when we do something that makes us feel good. Eating food items that are sweet and nice to taste causes such release and hence makes us feel happy and distracts our mind from anxiety issues at least for a while. Now don’t get me wrong as there are still food items which when consumed on a daily basis can cure anxiety disorders permanently. Here goes some of them-


  • Dark Chocolates- Chocolates specifically dark chocolates can help a lot dealing with anxiety. Research conducted in 2013 published in the Journal of Pharmacology, showed that a special compound found in cocoa called polyphenols can help increase calmness of mind while reducing stress and anxiety. It also consists of Tryptophan which improves levels of serotonin in the body, which helps fight anxiety. Magnesium is one of those few nutrients which has a positive impact on anxiety. Magnesium is one of the ingredients of dark chocolate and hence such items act as mood enhancer.

  • Also, most of the chocolates are sweet (i.e., milk chocolates in general) and having anything sweet gives pleasure to mind and body, but it has to be kept in mind that such chocolates have not much nutritional value. Hence dark chocolates which are sugar-free are far better in these aspects, as it can deal with your feelings of anxiety without causing your health any other harm.

  • Turmeric- Okay, so enough of sweetness, let’s spice things up a bit! Turmeric is one such spice that consists of Curcumin. Curcumin is known to relieve long-term inflammation, and also benefits brain health.  It has high-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties as well. One gram of curcumin (through turmeric) everyday can reduce levels of anxiety in your system.

  • Salmon- Salmon is one fish which has high nutrient value to go with its ability to enhance dopamine and serotonin secretions in our system and thus lowering anxiety levels. It has vitamin-D and omega-3 fatty acids like EPA and DHA. EPA and DHA are two fatty acids that help lower rates of anxiety. They help keep up brain health as well.

  • Water- When in stress or anxiety increasing levels of water intake can be a momentary solution, as it rejuvenates your body and makes it calmer. 

  • Other items consisting of Zinc and Magnesium- Foods that consist of high amounts of Zinc and Magnesium in them can help fight anxiety as well. Food items like meat, nuts, peas, lentils, etc. are such which are an excellent source of zinc and magnesium.


Along with goods there are evils and similarly not all food items can improve anxiety-related issues. Some might worsen them.

  • Beverages- Sweetened or carbonated drinks are harmful not only to physical health but also mental health. Such drinks can increase anxiety levels and can even cause depression.

  • Highly-processed food items- Highly processed food items cause sudden sugar level increase in our system and then crashes it and that has a very negative impact on anxiety levels. Even if those food items are sugar-free it still has no useful nutrients in it which can be beneficial. These include ketchups, toast, pickles, energy drinks, etc.

  • Coffee- Coffee consists of large quantities of caffeine. Those who are not used to having coffee may cause more harm than good trying to consume it. Even though you are used to it, too much consumption is not advisable. Caffeine reduces sleepiness and hence messes up with your sleep routine which is not at all advisable while dealing with anxiety.

Hence, food does help fighting against anxiety but you must be smart enough to choose the right foods. 

Visit Cureya's Website to know more. Free consultation services with top medical and health professionals. 

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Credit Author: Ranit Laha 

All photos credited and designed by Unsplash

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

What’s the reason behind the rise of heart attacks among young people?


Earlier people used to think that a heart attack can affect the elderly only. But, nowadays we often hear about heart attacks among youth as well. Before jumping into the details let's first understand what exactly is a heart attack. 

Heart Attack:

The heart needs oxygen to survive. A heart attack occurs when the blood that brings oxygen to the heart gets blocked completely. The most common cause of blockage is a buildup of fat, cholesterol, and other substances. Thus, that creates plaque in the arteries that feed the heart (coronary arteries).

A plaque can break and generate a clot, obstructing blood flow. Interrupted blood flow has the potential to harm or destroy a portion of the heart muscle.

Ischemia occurs when the heart muscle lacks oxygen and nutrients. A heart attack is also known as a myocardial infarction. It happens when ischemia causes damage or death to a part of the heart muscle.

Why are heart attacks becoming common in young people?

When the blood flow that delivers oxygen to the heart muscle is significantly or completely cut off, a heart attack ensues. Men over the age of 45 and women over the age of 55 are at a greater risk of developing a heart attack. Heart attacks, on the other hand, are becoming more common among young individuals. Young heart attack victims are frequently smokers, and obese. Also, those who suffer from chronic diseases such as high blood pressure or diabetes. As a result, an unhealthy lifestyle can place a lot of strain on the heart. Unfortunately, it leads to exposing young adults to a heart attack.

Symptoms of a heart attack

Though for every individual the symptoms may vary. Few may get mild, severe, or even no symptoms. The most common symptoms are: 

  • Pressure, tightness, soreness, squeezing, or aching sensations in your chest or arms, which may spread to your neck, jaw, or back.

  • Symptoms such as nausea, indigestion, heartburn, or abdominal pain

  • Breathlessness

  • Fatigue and cold sweat

  • Dizziness

Heart attack symptoms vary

Not all people who get a heart attack have the same symptoms. It varies from individual to individual. Some people experience modest pain, while others experience severe pain. Some people show no signs of illness. For others, the initial symptom could be a cardiac arrest. The more indications and symptoms you have, however, the more likely you are suffering a heart attack.

Although some heart attacks occur unexpectedly. However, many patients have warning signs and symptoms hours, days, or weeks in advance. The first sign could be recurring chest pain or pressure (angina), which is primarily caused by exercise and eased by rest. Angina is usually produced by a brief reduction in blood flow to the heart.

Heart attack after COVID-19

COVID-19 has been linked to cardiac muscle damage and impaired heart function in studies. Experts have proposed numerous explanations for this, including elevated levels of inflammation in the body. The effect on the heart may be more severe in persons who already have heart problems. So, even if you've recovered from COVID, see a doctor if you see any warning signals.

Prevention of heart attack among Youngster

The key to preventing the chance of having a heart attack is a healthy lifestyle. A proper lifestyle can change individual health. Following are some measures that an individual can incorporate in their day-to-day living style.

  • Stop smoking. Smoking increases or doubles the risk of having a heart attack.

  • Keep track of your vital statistics, including blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose levels.

  • In case you are overweight or obese then reduce weight.

  • Have an active life. Exercise regularly even if it's for 30 mins.

  • Sugars and unhealthy fats (saturated and trans fats) should be avoided. Increase your consumption of fresh fruits and veggies, as well as entire grains.

  • Say no to alcohol.

The connection between yoga and heart

Yoga and the heart share a strong bond. There are five ways in which yoga reduces the risk of heart problems. 

  1. Yoga lowers the stress level: Yoga is practiced by people worldwide to relieve stress. Yoga relieves stress by relaxing the body, enhancing breathing, and increasing blood flow. 

Following are the exercises that help in reducing stress:

  • Sirshasana the headstand

  • Matsyasana the fish pose

  • Shishuasana the child pose

  • Halasana, Plough pose

  • Paschimottanasana, sitting forward bend pose

  • Hastapadasana, standing forward bend pose

  • Bhramari the humming bee sound

  • Bhastrika the bellows breath

  1. Yoga controls blood pressure: Stress causes an increase in blood pressure, which is one of the risk factors for heart disease. Because yoga reduces stress, it is great for persons who are at risk for heart disease due to high blood pressure.

 Yoga asanas for lowering the blood pressure:

  • Setu Bandhasana(Bridge pose)

  • Paschimottanasana, sitting forward bend pose

  • Adho mukha svanasana (Downward-facing dog pose)

  • Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-wall pose)

  • Uttanasana (Standing forward bend pose)

  1. Yoga helps in losing weight: Being active is one of the keys to a healthy lifestyle. In the case of an overweight condition, yoga can help in reducing weight. It has the potential to decrease harmful cholesterol and triglyceride levels. 

Following are the yoga poses:

  1. Yoga gives you a healthy mindset:  Most yoga practitioners begin to take better care of their overall health. That implies you're more likely to make dietary changes that will reduce your risk of heart disease. It also implies that you will be less inclined to smoke, which is a major risk factor for heart disease.

Asana for healthy mindset:

  • TADASANA also called Mountain Pose

  • Shoulder stand yoga

  • Intense Dorsal stretch

  • Cross leg yoga posture

  • Plough pose

  1. Yoga controls blood sugar: Diabetes puts you at a higher risk for heart disease. In fact, the most common complication of untreated diabetes is heart disease. A vigorous yoga practice will help you lower your blood sugar, lowering your risk of heart disease.

       Poses for controlling sugar:

  • Dhanurasana (Bow Pose)

  • Balasana (Child pose) 

  • Bhujangasana (Upward facing dog pose)

  • Corpse pose (Shavasana) 

  • Legs up the wall (Viparita Karani) 

  • Mountain pose (Tadasana) 

  • Mandukasana (Frog Pose) 

  • Chakarasna (Wheel Pose)

  • Halasana (Plow Pose)

  • Ardha Matsyendrasana (Half Lord of the fish pose)

  • Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)

  • Reclining bound angle pose (Supta baddha konasana)

  • Supported shoulder stand (Sarvangasana)

  • Upward-facing dog (Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana)

  • Supine spinal twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)

When it comes to heart disease, yoga is just as efficient as any other form of exercise in lowering the risk, but it also has the extra bonus of being beneficial for your mind, spirit, and bodily health. This implies that yoga provides you with much more tools to cope with all of the risk factors for heart disease, as well as improve your life in other ways.

Author - Rounak Sharma

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