Is there any alternative to lose weight?
The best investment you can ever make is in your health. This is often not just a quote but take it as your life mantra. Around one n half percent of individuals are obese within world. Obesity could be a state of being overweight. Being overweight will be horrendous as harmful fatty tissues will affect your body, which provides a straightforward access to harmful diseases in our body.
People usually prefer treatments which might give an immediate cure to such issues. Those don't seem to be the permanent solution, but temporary. Fitness needs dedication, determination and lifestyle changes.
There are several alternative methods to melt off. We must always maintain a typical weight supporting our BMI (Body Mass Index). Here are some easy methods you can use to lose weight.
⮚ Seek help.
Consult a doctor before starting any variety of exercises or diet. The purpose is that you just should understand your body first and so work thereon accordingly.
⮚ Avoid Processed/Packaged Food.
Refined foods contain harmful fats and carbohydrates which may result in internal problems like high cholesterol, heart diseases etc. Avoid liquid calories and limit your sugar intake.
⮚ Get Proper Sleep.
Maintaining a correct sleep schedule is extremely important for physical and mental well-being. This is because sleep deprived people are likely to experience an imbalance in appetite hormones which might result in poor appetite. Over 50% of individuals are sleep-deprived in the line of the study.
⮚ Have a balanced diet.
Include protein, Fiber, vegetables, fruits whole, single-ingredient foods in your diet.
▪ Protein Rich Foods- Eggs, Greek Yogurt, Fish, Meat, Cheese, Chicken etc.
▪ Fiber Rich Food Items- Beans, Avocados, Broccoli, dried fruits, berries etc.
⮚ Intermittent Fasting.
Fasting is a cultural tradition practiced widely in India. There are three styles of intermittent fasting. Time-restricted feeding, alternate-day fasting and periodic fasting. Intermittent fasting is a proven way of weight-loss. Studies show that this method can reduce up-to 2 to 6kgs weight within a month. This diet plan includes food rich in protein and fiber which help burn extra calories and fasting reduce calorie intake.
⮚ Physical Exercise.
Our body needs a correct life-cycle. Maintaining a correct diet is vital as doing any physical activity on a regular basis is extremely essential for a healthy body. Practicing Yoga, Running, cardio etc are good for weight-loss. Other than that, maintain a healthy routine. Workout not only helps in weight-loss but also keeps us aloof from catching various health problems.
Here are some yoga asana which help in reducing weight:
▪ Chaturanga Dandasana- It is a plank pose which strengthens your core and provides immense benefits. While practicing this asana you may feel pressure in your abdominal muscles.
▪ Surya Namaskara- Referred to as the Sun Salutation Pose. This is often 12 pose asana mainly practiced within the morning. It gives not just one, but multiple health benefits followed by balancing and boosting metabolism.
▪ Sarvangasana- This pose is named as shoulder stand pose. This asana strengthens the upper body, abdominal muscles and legs. Besides boosting metabolism, improving digestion it also improves respiratory system and sleep.
⮚ Consuming Unsweetened Coffee.
Drinking unsweetened coffee, especially in the morning, can boost your energy. the majority prefer drinking black coffee before workout for the identical reason. Aside from this it helps in digestion, keeps your tummy clean, helps in weight-loss, helps boost your memory, uplift antioxidants in our body, decreases chances of diabetes and reduces any heart related diseases.
⮚ Treating Food Addiction.
Food addiction is incredibly just like habituation. The Effects of certain foods on the brain make it hard to avoid them. Here are a few things which may help in treating food addictions. Seek professional help, talk over with friends and family about your problem, practice mindful eating, avoid alcoholic and caffeine rich foods, start eating healthy, make a list and prepare yourself to beat the symptoms, and exercise.
⮚ Hydration.
Hydration could be a necessity for a healthy body especially during summers. Increasing your water intake helps suppress your appetite, helps remove excretory products, stimulates metabolism, helps reduce liquid calorie intake and causes you to feel full. Hence, it helps reduce weight.
⮚ Cleanse your teeth after a meal.
Develop a habit of brushing your teeth after you had your meal. It is because we don’t prefer eating anything after brushing. So, to avoid munching on unhealthy snacks it is best you sweep your teeth after every meal.
⮚ Unsweetened Tea.
Any drink containing natural tea extracts may be beneficial for health related issues. Green tea contains many healthy bioactive compounds. Drinking green tea everyday can help in weight-loss, balance metabolism, improves digestion, reduce chances of heart diseases, good for skin and hair, prevents bad breath, helps prevent the brain from aging. Consuming 2-3 cups of green tea daily provides several health benefits. Drink before or after 2 hour of your meal.
⮚ Natural Drinks.
Some of the simplest drinks which help in weight-loss are coconut water. It is high in potassium, low in calories, freed from fats and cholesterol which strengthens your immunity system, boosts metabolism, good for skin, provides vitamins and minerals, reduces cramps when on menstruation.
All these methods facilitate you from taking multiple supplements, visiting doctors, and save some time, money and energy. One should practice mindful eating. This means when eating, we must always focus on our food without getting distracted. Think only about food, observe the smell, texture and color of the food and avoid eating unhealthy food items.